

The Lake Sheriff’s Department improved its evidence storage to ensure a secure chain of custody

湖縣警長的部門每年需要大約5500件證據。除了從儲藏室上方管道造成水管的潛在造成水損傷的潛在威脅,他們以前的存儲設施具有安全問題。“這不是一個很好的情況。我們的房間裏耗盡了,“該部的證據經理Harry Nickel說。

我們的團隊工作和治安部門help plan storage for their new 12,000 square foot facility that would include, evidence intake, small crime lab, property storage, and long-term evidence storage. They were also seeking to gain accreditation from the Illinois Law Enforcement Accreditation Program (ILEAP) all while moving 80,000 items in evidentiary storage to their new facility.

Planning a new evidence storage facility

證據經理呼籲我們的團隊幫助分析他們的存儲需求,並了解他們的最佳選擇是利用他們的新空間,同時幫助他們獲得ILEAP認證。我們審核了現有的擱架係統,並占據了他們所需的所有物品的庫存。我們的團隊推薦ActivRAC移動存儲以及其他高密度擱架和evidence locker options

We worked with the sheriff’s department to plan a secure chain of custody from the time evidence was brought into the building until it was released to the courts or disposed of according to the law. We designed an intake room that allowed evidence to pass through from deputies to the evidence manager through secured lockers.

Pass through evidence lockers resize


